1.) From the Library's homepage, select Manage a Reserve List under "Faculty Services":

2.) Login with your network ID and password. Once logged in, you can Review Past Courses:

3.) Select the course you want to duplicate (AKA Clone) from the list, and click on "View Course":

4.) Select "Clone this Course" from the Course Tools drop-down menu:

5.) A.) Make edits as needed to your new list. Note that all fields with asterisks are required. Choose the new semester from the drop-down:

B.) Select which previous items you'll be keeping on Reserve. No need to enter start and end dates for the semester, as these will be entered in by default in the Library's Reserve system. Once finished, click on "Clone Course" to submit:

If all looks well, you're done! You can add more items to this list throughout the semester.
Related Topics:
How do I Create a Faculty Reserve List?