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Q: How Do I Request a Book be Held for Pickup?
Last Updated: Apr 19, 2023     Views: 312

You may begin this process from directly within SingleSearch and pick up your items at the Circulation Desk.  You may navigate to SingleSearch easily from the Library's homepage here

Below you can find on how to request items from the Warren Hunting Smith Library that are currently on the shelf and have them held for you. Please reach out to us if you have any questions about this service or want to check on the availability of an item.

Requesting an item from the HWS Library when it is currently on the shelf (available)

1. Execute a search in SingleSearch and locate the item you are seeking:

2. Click on either the title link, or the availability/location link (see above) to go to the details page:

3. If you are not already logged into your library account, you’ll be prompted to do so. The Log in link is in the upper right corner.

4. Once you’ve logged in you’ll see the option to request the item:

5. Add any relevant notes in the Comment field to your request in the form, and then send request:

6. You’ll receive a success message after submission:              

7. You’ll receive an On Hold Shelf email when your item is ready to be picked up from the circulation desk.

8. You can check on your requests by logging into your library account and clicking on the Requests Tab: