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Q: How do I Find Course Reserves?
Last Updated: Jun 24, 2024     Views: 363

1.) From the library's homepage, click on "Course Reserves" within the Find Materials drop-down menu:

2.) Login with your network information to access your account, OR you can perform a quick BROWSE to search all items currently on Reserve:

Related FAQ:  How do I Quickly Browse for Items on Reserve?

3.)  If you've chosen to login and this is your first time using the Reserves system, you'll be asked to fill out a brief form to create your account:

4.)  When you reach the Main Menu, you can either search for a specific item, or search by course/instructor:

5.) To search by item, enter as much information into the following fields:

6.) After clicking the SEARCH button (above), your item info/availability/location will be displayed:

7.)  Stop by the Circulation Desk to request the physical items on Reserve.  Remember to bring your OneCard to check out items.  You may check out no more than 3 at a time.  Most Reserve items circulate for 3 hours at a time*.  Please note that 3 hour loans do not leave the library, and will accrue fees if overdue.  Each item has a sticker placed on the cover with the following information:

*Some professors choose to have their Course Reserve items circulate for a longer period of time, such as 1 day or 3 days.  In this case, the item would be allowed to leave the library.

For more information about Course Reserves contact Access Services staff at (315)781-3550.

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