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Q: How do I Reserve a Study Room?
Last Updated: Dec 21, 2021     Views: 594

HWS students can reserve one of the nine publicly schedulable rooms for group study, viewing films, practicing presentations, etc. Rooms must be scheduled 24 hours in advance, for a block of up to two hours. Please note that study rooms are not available to HWS administrative staff or faculty

If a room is not scheduled, it is free to be used without a reservation. You can view room schedules by checking the printed schedules posted outside the rooms.

To Reserve a Room:

1.)  From the Library's homepage, select "Reserve a Study Room" under Research Help:

2.)  Select the room you'd like to reserve based on the description (see "info") and availability.  Click on the block of time you'd like to Reserve (not to exceed 2 hrs.) and fill out a brief form.  Click submit to finalize the reservation:You will receive an email confirming your booking for verification.  Should you need to cancel, there will be a link provided in the email for you to do so.  Cancelations must be made at least 12 hours prior to booking time.

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