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Q: How do I Clone an Interlibrary Loan Request?
Last Updated: Jan 12, 2021     Views: 481

Why Might you Need to Clone a Request?

-If you've returned your iLL book, but decide that you need it again in the future, you can "clone" the original request. 

-If your book's due date is coming up and you're all out of renewals, you can "clone" the original request so the new book arrives when you need to return the first copy.

-If you ordered an article, but forgot to download it to your computer and the link has disappeared, you can reorder the same article by "cloning" your previous request.

How to Clone:

1.)  From the library's homepage, login to Interlibrary Loan under "Find Materials":

2.)  Alternatively, you can click on the Purple Button for speedier access:

3.)  Type in your Network Username and Password to login to your account:

4.)  From the Main Menu, under "View", select "All Requests":

5.)  From the list of requests, click on the transaction number of the item you'd like to reorder:

6.)  From the Transaction Information page, select the "Clone Request" link in the top left corner:

7.)  This will copy all of the item information into a new request form.  Click submit at the bottom of the page to complete your transaction:

8.)  Your cloned request will appear as a new transaction, with a new number.  Visit your ILL Main Menu anytime to view the status of the new request:


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