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Q: How do I Request a Book via WorldCat?
Last Updated: Aug 23, 2021     Views: 2069

Interlibrary Loan is not strictly limited to Academic use, you may request reading materials for personal use as well.

1.)  From the Library's homepage, navigate to WorldCat under the "Find Materials" drop-down menu:

2.)  Type the book title into the search bar:

 3.)  By default, search results will be displayed as items that Hobart & William Smith Library own first.  You can narrow down your results by using the facets displayed in the left-hand column.  Select Book from the column on the left.  Select Print Book to narrow down your results even further:

   ***Please note that we are unable to borrow eBooks from other libraries at this time***


4.)  Choose your selection from the list.  The next page will display details of your item (description, different editions available, libraries that carry it).  If Hobart & William Smith does not own a copy, or if our copy is checked out, click on the blue Request Item through Interlibrary Loan button to proceed with your order:

5.)  After clicking the Request Item button, you'll be directed to the ILLiad login screen (New users will have to fill out a brief form; see How do I Request Interlibrary Loan? for more information):

6.)  Once logged in, the ILLiad Request form will appear with your item information copied over from WorldCat:

7.)  Make edits or add notes as needed, and click submit request at the bottom of the page:

8.)  You will then be directed to view your "Outstanding Requests" (Unfilled) and their status:

9.)  Check back anytime to view your order's status.  You will receive an email when your book arrives.

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