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Q: Is the library open to the public and can I get a library card (Associate Borrower card)?
Last Updated: Dec 19, 2024     Views: 98

Yes, we are open to the public.

We welcome members of the Geneva community and environs to explore our collections. We offer free borrowing privileges with our Associate Borrower card to faculty emeriti, alumni/ae, Sodexo employees working at the Colleges, family members of employees, and residents of Geneva and surrounding areas. You may check out up to ten items and are granted a four-week loan period. The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service, audiovisual materials, and our digital content are not available to Associate Borrowers.

You must present a photo ID showing your age and current address and be 18 years or older. Applications are subject to approval and may take up to one week to process. Associate Borrower privileges are granted for a limited period* and can be renewed by re-applying.

We look forward to welcoming you to our library!

*Your card is valid until June 1. If you apply after March, your card is valid until June 1 of the following year. Patrons must present a valid Warren Hunting Smith Library Associate Borrower’s card to exercise their privileges.

Materials Available to Associate Borrowers

  • books
  • periodicals

In addition, you may use the computers on the first floor with a day pass which can be obtained from the IT Help Desk. This password also allows access to the printers and photocopier for a small fee.

Apply for an Associate Borrower Card

  • Present a photo ID with your address 
  • Fill out an application
  • Provide proof you are at least 18 years of age

Applications are subject to the review and approval of the Director of the Library, and are typically granted at application, but may take up to one working week of submittal. Associate privileges are granted through the end of the academic semester in which the application is approved, and can be renewed by re-application and review.

Lending Services